Pakistan Politics: An Appraisal



Day and night, good and evil, saint and devil are eternal matters. Humanity and animality exist equally within each human being. Man is ashraful makhluqat and man is inferior to four-legged animals. Lust for power along with temporary privileges, status etc. makes people inhuman.

The seeds of the development of present-day Bangladesh were planted on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. The birth of the state of Bangladesh is the birth of Pakistan. History shows that the leadership of Bangladesh played a leading role in the establishment of the state of Pakistan. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a man of integrity, fearlessness, and courage to take risks. In the face of the question of whether the people of Pakistan will be better off after the creation of Pakistan, a time limit of 10 years is set. If Pakistan is not self-reliant within 10 years, it will merge with India again. The state of Pakistan was born under such conditions.


Entry into Army Politics:

Immediately after the creation of Pakistan, when Pakistan was busy building a state structure, India sent troops to annex Kashmir. At that time, the civilian population of Punjab, Gilgit-Baltistan, and Kashmir were able to defend their position and Kashmir by fighting with arms. Later there were several more rounds of the India-Pakistan war. Along with the military forces, the common people also took part in these wars. Politics enters the Pakistani military from the idea that the people of Pakistan are part of the army. The people of Pakistan have also been forced to accept many illegal interventions by the army to protect the country's sovereignty, which is unimaginable in a modern state system.

This is how the Pakistani army became the owner of Pakistan. West Pakistan has a large amount of uncultivated land. The land of East Pakistan is fertile. So the rent collection is good. The people of West Pakistan also kept their mouths shut about the poverty and misery of East Pakistan, keeping in mind their temporary advantages. As I have already said - the people of Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit Baltistan, and Azad Kashmir are not unarmed. While the people of West Pakistan were armed, the people of East Pakistan were unarmed and quite simple. After all, oppressing the common people has become a very easy task for the army. In this gap, they took over all the powers of the state in the hands of the army. They make the people of West Pakistan understand that the army is taking money from East Pakistan and supporting the people of West Pakistan. And where does it go, the people of the West go to sleep with their necks closed? India was not stopping, while the discriminatory policy of the West Pakistan military was also not ending. The people of East Pakistan became enraged. The history of the creation of Pakistan was buried, first the rule of autonomy and then the independence movement. The stupid army of West Pakistan thought America would not allow East Pakistan to secede. But that will not happen. America takes the side of the bottomless basket! Finally, what happened happened. Today Bangladesh is an independent sovereign country. We are now proud Bangladeshis.


Continuity of Army Politics:

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto understood that he had been cheated as East Pakistan seceded. Because, on behalf of the army, he was made to understand that America has support, he will be made the prime minister of both Pakistan. But the result is the opposite. The division of Pakistan is also responsible for his lack of power. And the Pakistani army is purified by diving into the Arabian sea.

For good reason, Bhutto started the Civilian Supremacy movement to come to power and became desperate to implement the nuclear program to preserve the integrity of the country. It is as if the Pakistani people have woken up. Bhutto grew in popularity, gained the support of the lost Pathans of Kashmir, and came to power. Pak Army is very angry as the power of the army is passed into the hands of the people. Palace conspiracy begins. The army realizes that if they want to keep power in their hands, they have to side with the Pathans. They were looking for a man - who was accepted by Kashmiris, Punjabis, and Pakhtuns. The Sharif family of Kashmiri origin came forward as a partner in realizing that desire. The army is planning to adopt the Sharif family and seize power. Ziaul Haque did the job very well. Recently I heard in a discussion, Ziaul Haque seemed to be very loyal. In fact, dogs are more devoted to their owners. Since the 1990s, there have been protests against military rule around the world. They are criticized because of military rule in Pakistan. At one point, Ziaul Haque died (?) in a plane crash.


Why was Imran Khan allowed to come to power:

Imran Khan was allowed to come to power only to show the shift of power. General Bajwa knew Nawaz Sharif's party would not get votes. People will not accept if he is brought to power through massive vote rigging. So alternative methods are planned to rehabilitate Nawaz Sharif. The results of the parliamentary constituencies were arranged by the Election Commission in such a way that a vote of no confidence could be taken against Imran Khan. So it can be said that what is happening in Pakistan was planned before 2018. Imran Khan has been used as the pawn in that plan. They believed that Imran Khan could not do any work. In a short time, Nawaz Sharif will be removed from power by proving him incompetent. If you look at the list of issues that General Bajwa has put pressure on Imran Khan, the proof of this is visible in every case. But unfortunately, Imran Khan is able to ignore all the pressures and steer the country in the right direction.

Along with global changes, people from various professions are coming into politics. At that time political party established PTI in a democratic system. The new journey of the Civilian Supremacy movement left by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto begins. After 22 years of political conflict, Imran Khan came to power in 2018. People say that Imran Khan came to power with the support of the Pakistani Army. I felt the same way. But this support of theirs was a ploy, later it was proved continuously from 9 April 2022. The main power was actually in the hands of General Bajwa. The proof of this can be seen on the first day. The announcement that the Kartarpur Corridor will be opened was not made by the General of the Army. Such action can only be taken by a government or head of state. In fact, General Bajwa showed the whole world on the very first day - the main power is in his hands. Later, Imran Khan went to all the countries of the Middle East including Saudi, and UAE - Imran Khan had to ensure his presence on every visit. Chief Minister Bajwa wanted to install people of his choice in Punjab or Pakhtunkhwa only to prove Imran Khan an ineffective Prime Minister. But he had to succumb to Imran Khan's patience. Thus failing to make Imran Khan unpopular, alternative plans were launched.

Fazlur Rahman, TLP was fielded. They indulged in wasting people's resources including long marches but Imran Khan handled the situation with great patience. Fazlur Rahman openly said - he did a long march like General Bajwa said. No objection was raised from ISPR. Bilal, and Mariam, they also made a long march. The army thought that Imran Khan's government would not survive. But all these long marches failed to gain popular support. Imran's government survived.

The constitution of Pakistan is written in such a way that the powers of the army are immense. They have always been above the law. even today They have been in power for 74 years. Even though he gave up power for 2 1/2 years to deceive everyone in the world, he never gave up control. ISI is used very delicately in this work. Fearing ISI, journalists, judges, and even politicians do not utter a single word against the Army. The oppression that Pak Army did in Bangladesh, is going on today on its own people.

General Bajwa started the 2nd process in 2019. Fazlur Rahman, Bilawal, and Mariam's Long March tried to muddy the waters. All this was happening under the direction and supervision of General Bajwa. But this time Allah Pak sent Corona and saved Imran Khan. The country was moving forward through Imran Khan's hard work through Corona. General Bajwa, therefore, entered the field directly. Deliberately broke the rules and appointed a new ISI. This time he succeeded. The controversy comes to the fore. ISI continues to hunt down Imran Khan.

The Pakistani Army uses the Supreme Court, the Election Commission, and the NAB to maintain power. Nab is a washing machine. If not in favor of the army, he is washed here. ISI framed charges against them. The complaint creation and trial process are all done in a well-regulated manner. Life imprisonment is not a problem there. If the army's agenda goes according to plan, one night is enough to be free. The proof of which is found later.

The American cipher was written by General Bajwa. General Bajwa was able to convince America that the cipher would remain secret. It will not only be used to remove Imran Khan. But Imran Khan made a strategy in the meeting of the National Security Council and brought the resolution in front of the cipher. General Bajwa tried hard to suppress it. The cipher is still kept secret under Bajwa's pressure. But Imran Khan strategically convened the National Security Council meeting and made it unofficial. That is why Imran Khan, his staff, and journalists who spoke about the cipher are being persecuted by the ISI. I think this torture will continue.


Current Status:

General Bajwa, Nawaz Sharif, and the American Foreign Office decided to remove Imran Khan from power. It was a tradition in Pakistan that when the ruling political party was ousted from power, the common people were happy. But the opposite happened in the case of Imran Khan. Even though PDM was sweet-faced, common people came to the streets in favor of Imran Khan. Various steps were taken to reduce public support for Imran Khan. For example-

1) Attempts were made to buy PTI leaders and workers.

2) Charges of blasphemy were raised against Imran Khan.

3) FIRs are filed one after the other. Probably more than 24.

4) By-elections are arranged by accepting resignations from selected constituencies.

5) The Punjab government was overthrown.

6) The senator was videoed in the nude for tweeting against Bawa.

7) Journalist Arshad Sharif was killed for speaking against General Bajwa.

8) Imran Khan's speech was shown on television and the TV channel was shut down.

9) Imran Khan's speech is not shown on TV.

10) Attempt to kill Imran Khan.

11) Discriminatory behavior of the Election Commission.

12) Not getting justice from the court.

13) Multiple unsolicited press conferences by ISPR/ISI.

14) Taking measures to prevent the long march of Imran Khan.

15) Blind support to all actions of PDM.

16) There are many others that are summarized in terms that the discussion would be lengthy.

All this is being done or done to get Imran Khan out of the political scene and bring Nawaz Sharif back to power. Even after eight long months, General Bajwa failed to create a favorable environment. But in the meantime, the time of retirement of General Bajwa came. Bajwa is now very much criticized among the people. Because all the actions he has done or is doing against Imran Khan have come before the people. In such a situation, if you take the extension again, you will be criticized all over the world. Because he has already taken an extension of additional 3 years. But the American Foreign Office and Nawaz Sharif are not convinced that the successor will be able to rein in Imran Khan if Bajwa retires. Herein lies the major hurdle in appointing a new army chief. Meanwhile, those who are likely to become army chiefs, despite getting seniority, are not opening up or refusing to give guarantees. Because public support cannot be controlled in any way. The mass tide could never be controlled. That is why the possibility of an attack to kill Imran Khan is by no means over.

Direct support for the ISI chief, ISPR Bajwa is seen, but the attitude of other generals has no way of coming out. Because of the status of the army chief in Pakistan, anyone can dream of getting this position. And that's why they are sitting on their faces. Bajwa wants such a general to come forward and say that he will stop Imran Khan. The deadlock is not opening because no such person is found.

Unfinished plans:

General Bajwa will take an extension. The government will be dragged till August 2023. In this, steps will be taken to kill or isolate Imran Khan. Attempts will be made to use PTI's frontline leaders against Imran Khan. Queue against Punjab Govt. Parvez Elahi rebelled, creating his way. Nawaz Sharif will be in power in the 2023 elections and then Bajwa will retire. By then many of the senior generals will have retired. Bajwa Sahib Nadeem Anjum to leave as Army Chief. Nadeem Anjum will take all steps as army chief so that Imran Khan has no option but to retire from politics.


Why is the army chief against Imran Khan:

The independence of Bangladesh is proof of what happens when the people move behind the army. Every people in Bangladesh was dissatisfied with the army. Which was led by Bangabandhu. Bangabandhu's main slogan was liberation struggle. That liberation struggle took shape in the independence movement. Here geographical reasons interrupt the long sequence of major massacres or wars. If such a situation arises in Pakistan, the war will not end easily. The Pakhtuns' 40-year war in Afghanistan is a prime example of this. Imran Khan has taken public awareness to such a level that whenever any action is taken against Khan, someone, somewhere or somewhere stands in front of that action. If Imran Khan is allowed to come to power, the image of the army will be tarnished in front of the American Foreign Office, Nawaz Sharif and others who are openly supporting the army. Besides, there are fears about what steps Imran Khan will take on civilian supremacy. There is also the possibility of changing the current governance structure of Pakistan.


Last words:

A general of Bangladesh said - the source of all power is the people. The people of Pakistan can decide the future of Pakistan. Imran Khan has vowed to sacrifice his life. Either freedom or death. He also managed to pass that exam. So far people have been involved in the movement shoulder to shoulder with Imran Khan. The whole world is waiting to see what happens. Best wishes to Imran Khan as he hopes to see democracy win.




Sagor Helal



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